Posts Tagged affiliate marketing

Bitcoins: Do You Want Free Income That Grows?

I know what you’re thinking.  Why is an affiliate marketing site posting about how to get bitcoins?  Please allow me to explain. Why do we get involved in affiliate marketing?  To generate income, right?  And when we generate income, we’d prefer that the income is PASSIVE, correct? If our income takes NO EFFORT on our […]

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Do you want more traffic?

TRAFFIC!  It’s what we all want, and need.  More traffic to our sites, more traffic to our offers.  Without traffic, we go broke.  It’s a simple mathematical formula: traffic=viewers.  Viewers-tourists=prospects.  Prospects-unqualified prospects=buyers.  Buyers=I made money.  There’s the total chain that is followed before you make a commission, no matter what your offer, whether it’s a […]

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